Don't spend your entire day on Instagram!

Use my strategy to optimize the time you spend on Instagram and increase your engagement.

Do you want to spend less time online and more time doing the things you love offline?

Adopt my effective time manaement strategy to boost your engagement and get the most out of the time you spend on social media.

The average user spends 7 hours on Instagram weekly, I was spending 5 hours a day on Instagram!

How many hours do you spend looking at your phone? How many of those hours do you spend on social media? Now, this is the important question... How many of those hours do you spend on activities that contribute to the growth of your account?

We are all guilty of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. That's what the social media apps are designed to do, keep you there as long as possible!

If you're using social media for business, you need to be very strategic about the time you spend online. That's why I created this planner to help other social media addicts like me, plan our daily social media activities.

This planner is fully editable, allowing you customise it for your favourite social media app and schedule time limits that work for you.

Daily Content Checklist

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